Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Devastator Di Transformers 1??

lha kok bisa di transformers 1 kok bisa ada DEVASTATOR?kenapa?
baiklah,akan gw jelaskan kenapa bisa begitu.begini ceritanya.pada suatu hari,gw lagi jalan- jalan untuk mencari film Transformers : Revenge of The fallen.setelah itu gw mampir di toko dvd bajakan terdekat.But,tentu saja gak dapet dvdnya,wong filmnya waktu itu belum keluar,kok dah nyari dvdnya aja...

selang pencarian antara dvd satu dan yang lain,gw berhasil menemukan 1 dvd ,yaitu dvd transformers 1.langsung bayar,balik kerumah dan langsung setel tuh dvd.but di pertengahan film,kok ada hal yang ganjil,ini dia ganjilnya:

lalu gw cari info,eh dapet,lupa dari blog siapa,sori ya mas...ini dia penjelasan panjangnya:

There is some controversy over his name: the toys and video games list his name as Brawl, but in the film itself, and the official movie novelization, his name is Devastator. He refers to himself as Devastator in the movie subtitles. According to Roberto Orci, one of the writers of the movie, and Hasbro’s Transformers team, "Devastator" is the mistake, and that the character is supposed to be named Brawl. The official names of all the Transformers seen in the film were confirmed in August of 2006, nearly a year before the film’s North American release date. However, director Michael Bay was not fully aware of these names and sometimes referred to some of them by their "on-set names". (He said in an interview, that he often referred to Frenzy as "Soundbyte".) Thus, on-set he would refer to the tank Decepticon as "Devastator". Somehow, the name made its way into the final cut of the film. Director Michael Bay favored the name Devastator, as he felt that it sounded more threatening than Brawl. [2] The early leaked script Prime Directives had him named Devastator, as does the Titan U.K. magazine. Concept art for the character named him "Demolishor", as the name Brawl (in concept art) went to Barricade.

Arti dari tulisan diatas yg aku dapet dari interaksi sesama fans Transformers ini kira2 begini : "Ada kontroversi nama Devastator yg ada di filmnya (Transformers 1), kalo di seri animasi karakter Tank itu dinamai Brawl, mengenai nama Devastator, itu adalah kesalahan walaupun di subtitle film juga terpampang nama Devastator (liat gambar)

Michael Bay memakai nama ini, karena dia lebih menyukai nama ini". Nah gitu, jadinya nama Tank yg kalah di Transformers 1 itu Brawl bukan Devastator.

so,artinya,itu adalah kesalahan sang editor film yang lupa mengganti subtitlenya....

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